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Activités de Recherche



2004-2013  Expérience COmetary SAmpling and Composition (COSAC) de la sonde de surface Philae (comète Churyumov/Gerasimenko) : Co-Investigator

2005           Expérience Aerosol Collector and Pyrolyzer (ACP) de la sonde atmosphérique Huygens (Titan, satellite de Saturne) : Co-Investigator

2007           Expérience UVolution  sur  le module orbital FOTON3 en basse orbite terrestre : collaborateur

2007-2009   Expérience  EXPOSE-Eu sur la station spatiale internationale en basse orbite terrestre : collaborateur

2008-2010   Expérience EXPOSE-R sur la station internationale en basse orbite terrestre : collaborateur

2009-2012   Expérience Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) de la sonde de surface Mars Science Laboratory (Mars) : Scientifique Instrumental de la partie GC

2009-2011   Expérience Gas Analytical Package (GAP) de la sonde de surface Phobos-Grunt (Phobos, satellite de Mars) : Scientifique Instrumental de la partie GC

2013 ?         Expérience Mars Organic Molecules Analysis (MOMA) de la sonde de surface Pasteur : Co-responsable de la partie GC


2003-           Expérience Production d'Aérosols en Microgravité par Plasma REactif (PAMPRE) pour l'étude des aérosols de Titan : Co-responsable

2006-          Expérience Mars Organic Molecules Irradiation and Evolution (MOMIE) pour l'étude de la résistance aux rayonnements UV de matériaux à la surface de Mars : Co-responsable

ous layer open tubular column,

Journal of Chromatography A, 904 (2000) 73-85.

A4 - Rodier C., Vandenabeele-Trambouze O., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Coll P., Szopa C., Raulin F., Vidal-Madjar C., Cabane M., Israel G., Grenier-Loustalot M.F., Dobrijevic M., Despois D.,
Detection of martian amino acids by chemical derivatization coupled to gas chromatography : in situ and laboratory analysis,
Advances in Space Research, 27 (2001) 195-199.

A5 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Raulin, F.,
In situ chemical investigation of a cometary nucleus by gas chromatography : Porous Layer Open Tubular columns for the separation of light volatile vompounds,
Chromatographia, 54 (2001) 369-376.

A6 - Cottin H., Szopa C., Moore M.H.,
Production of hexamethylenetetramine in photolyzed and irradiated interstellar cometary ice analogs,
The Astrophysical Journal, 561 (2001) L139-L142.

A7 - Pietrogrande M.C., Coll P., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Navarro-Gonzalez R., Vidal-Madjar C., Dondi F.,
Analysis of complex mixtures recovered from space missions. Statistical approach to the study of Titan atmosphere analogues (tholins),
Journal of Chromatography A, 939 (2001) 69-77.

A8 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Raulin F., Vidal-Madjar C.. Rosenbauer H.,
Gas chromatography for in situ analysis of a cometary nucleus. III. Multi-capillary column system for the COmetary Sampling And Composition experiment of the Rosetta lander Probe,
Journal of Chromatography A, 953 (2001) 165-173.

A9 - Rodier C., Laurent C., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Raulin F.,
Chirality and the origin of life: in situ enantiomeric separation for future space missions,
Chirality, 14 (2002) 527-532.

A10 - Szopa C., Meierhenrich U.J., Coscia D., Janin L., Goesmann F., Sternberg R., Brun J.-F., Israel G., Cabane M., Roll R., Raulin F.R., Thiemann W., Vidal-Madjar C., Rosenbauer H.,
Gas chromatography for in situ analysis of a cometary nucleus. IV. Study of capillay gas chromatographic columns robustness for space application,
Journal of Chromatography A, 982 (2002) 303-312.

A11 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Felinger A., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Chemometric decoding of complex chromatograms by Fourier analysis : application to space mission analysis,
Journal of Separation Science, 26 (2003) 569-577.

A12 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Raulin F., Rosenbauer H.,
What can we expect from the in situ chemical investigation of the 46/P Wirtanen cometary nucleus by gas chromatography : first results from laboratory studies,
Planetary and Space Science, 51 (2003) 863-877.

A13 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Felinger A., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Chemometric decoding of complex chromatograms by Fourier analysis : application to space mission analysis,
Planetary and Space Science, 51 (2003) 581-590.

A14 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Pasti L., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Interpretation of chromatographic data recovered from space missions. Identification of molecular structures,
Journal of Chromatography A, 1002 (2003) 179-192.

A15 - Szopa C., Tellini I., Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C., Pietrogrande C., Raulin F.,
Dual column capillary gas chromatographic system for the in situ analysis of volatile organic compounds on a cometary nucleus,
Journal of Separation Science, 27 (2004) 495-503.

A16 - Cabane M., Coll P., Szopa C., Israel G., Raulin F., Sternberg R., Mahaffy P., Person A., Rodier C., Navarro-Gonzalez R., Niemann H., Harpold D., Brinckerhoff W., Paschalidis N.,
Did life exist on Mars ? Search for organic and inorganic signatures, one of the goals for “SAM” (Sample Analysis at Mars),
Advances in Space Research, 33 (2004) 2240-2245.

sous presse :

soumis :

A17 - Szopa C., Cernogora G., Boufendi L., Correia J.-J., Coll P.,
PAMPRE, a new laboratory experiment to better understand the physico-chemical processes of Titan aerosols formation and growth,
Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), soumis en décembre 2003.

A18 - Szopa C., Pietrogrande M.C., DePra M., Tellini I., Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C., Raulin F.,
Pulsed Discharge Helium Ionisation Detector : a new detector for space exploration ?,
Journal of Chromatography A, soumis en novembre 2003.

A19 - Pietrogrande M.C., Zampolli M.G., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Buch A., Raulin F.,
Interpretation of in situ analyses of the martian soil by gas chromatography : decoding of complex chromatograms of organic molecules of exobiological interest,
Journal of Chromatography A, soumis en avril 2004.


B1 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Rodier C., Raulin F.,

Development and analytical aspects of gas chromatography for space application,
LC-GC Europe, 14 (2001) 114-120.

B2 - Szopa C., Rodier C., Coscia D., Laurent C., Coll P., Cabane M., Brun J.F., Israel G., Vidal-Madjar C., Raulin F., Sternberg R.,

In situ analysis of extraterrestrial environments by gas chromatography: application to Titan, comets and Mars,
ESA Special Publication, 496 (2001) 187-191.

B3 - Sternberg R., Szopa C., Rodier C.,
Analyzing a comet nucleus by capillary GC,
Analytical Chemistry, 74 (2002) 481A-487A.

B4 - Szopa C., Buch A., Cabane M., Coll P, P. Mahaffy, W. Brinckerhoff, G. Israël, R. Navarro-Gonzàlez, H. Niemann, A. Person, F. Raulin, C. Rodier, R. Sternberg
The sample analysis at Mars (SAM) experiment and the search for organic molecules at the Martian surface,

ESA Special Publication, 545 (2004) 105-109

B5 - Coll P., Navarro-Gonzàlez R., Stalsport F., Cabane M., Person A., Szopa C., McKay C.P., RaulinF., Israël G., Mahaffy P.
Thermal properties of biogenic and nonbiogenic carbonates : implications for the search for life on Mars,

ESA Special Publication, 545 (2004) 183-184

B6 - Pietrorande M.C., Zampolli M.G., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Buch A., Raulin F.
In situ analysis of the martian soil : decoding complex chromatograms of organic molecules of exobiological interest

ESA Special Publication, 545 (2004) 261-262

B7 - Chassefière E., P. Rannou, M. Cabane, C. Malique, G. Cernogora; G. Israel, C. Szopa, F. Forget, F. Raulin, P. Coll, P. Carlier, T. Encrenaz, P. Drossart, S. Erad, J.M. Genin, B. Humbert, P. Rochette, P. Renault, J.P. Jolivet, E. Tronc, A. Jambon, A. Person, D. Toublanc, C. D'Uston, J. Ingrin, P. Pinet, J.M. Siguier, P. Millan, A. Jacotin, F. Costard,
Le projet EXOCAM de simulation en laboratoire des processus d'oxydoréduction à la surface de Mars,
Notes du Pole de Planétologie 4 (2004).

sous presse :

B8 - Rosenbauer H., Goesmann F., Roll R., Raulin F., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Israel G., Brun J.F., Thiemann W., Meierhenrich U., Wollnik H.,
The COSAC experiment,
ESA Special Publication, 1165.

B9 - Cernogora G., Szopa C., Coll P., Boufendi L.,
Simulation en laboratoire de la production d’analogues d’aérosols organiques de l’atmosphère de Titan par plasma R.F.,


C1 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Raulin F.,
In situ investigation of a cometary nucleus by gas chromatography : A tool for a better knowledge of the chemical composition of comets,
D.P.S. Meeting (Poster), Padova, Italy, 1999.

C2 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Cottin H., Gazeau M.-C., Raulin F.,
Chemical analysis of a cometary nucleus by gas chromatography,
E.G.S. 25th General Assembly (Oral Presentation), Nice, France, 2000.

C3 - Cottin H., Gazeau M.-C., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Raulin F.,
Cometary organic chemistry: what can we learn from laboratory simulations ?,
E.G.S. 25th General Assembly (Invited Presentation), Nice, France, 2000.

C4 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Raulin F.,
Determination of the cometary molecular composition by in situ gas chromatography,
D.P.S. Meeting (Poster), Pasadena, USA, 2000.

C5 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Raulin F., Vidal-Madjar C.,
In situ gas chromatography for the investigation of a cometary nucleus,
International Symposium of Chromatography (Poster), London, United Kingdom, 2000.

C6 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Raulin F.,
What can we expect from the in situ chemical investigation of a cometary nucleus by gas chromatography ?,
E.G.S. 26th General Assembly (Oral Presentation), Nice, France, 2001.

C7 - Pietrogrande M.C., Coll P., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Navarro-Gonzales R., Vidal-Madjar C., Dondi F.,
A new tool for analysis of complex signals recovered from space mission: example of Titan's atmosphere,

E.G.S. 26th General Assembly (Oral Presentation), Nice, France, 2001.

C8 - Sternberg R., Rodier C., Szopa C., Coscia D., Laurent C., Vidal-Madjar C., Raulin F.,
In situ analysis of extraterrestrial environments by gas chromatography: application to the atmosphere of Titan (Cassini-Huygens mission), the nucleus of comet P/Wirtanen (Rosetta mission) and the Martian soil,
First European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology (Poster and Oral Presentation), Frascati, Italy, 2001.

C9 - Szopa C., Sternberg R., Coscia D., Raulin F., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Détermination de la composition chimique d'un noyau cométaire par chromatographie en phase gazeuse,
Congrès SEP'2001 (Poster), Paris, France, 2001.

C10 - Meierhenrich U.J., Szopa C., Goesmann F., Roll R., Rosenbauer H., Thiemann W.H.P.,
Analysis of cometary matter by the COSAC instrumentation inboard Rosetta lander : Part II : Chiral organic molecules,
E.G.S. 27th General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2002.

C11 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Dondi F., Felinger A., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Gas chromatography in solar system exploration : decoding complex chromatograms recovered from space missions,
E.G.S. 27th General Assembly (Poster)
, Nice, France, 2002.

C12 -
Szopa C., Bernard J.M., Coll P., Coscia D., Sternberg R., Niemann H., Mahaffy P., Israel G., Cabane M., Raulin F.,
Analogues of the Titan's atmosphere and aerosols as a support for the interpretation of the measurements of the ACP/GC-MS experiments onboard Huygens probe,
E.G.S. 27th General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2002.

C13 - Szopa C., Meierhenrich U.J., Coscia D., Sternberg R., Thiemann W., Goesmann F., Roll R., Rosenbauer H., Israel G., Brun J.-F., Cabane M.,  Raulin F.,
Analysis of cometary matter by the COSAC instrumentation onboard the Rosetta lander. Part I : inorganic and organic molecules?
E.G.S. 27th General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2002.

C14 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Raulin F., Dondi F.,
Interpretation of data recovered from space missions : decoding of complex chromatograms by Fourier analysis,
2nd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology (Poster and Oral Presentation), Graz, Austria, 2002.

C15 - Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M.-C., Raulin F., Sternberg R., Szopa C.,
Organic molecules in comets – experimental studies and applications to observations,
2nd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology (Poster and Oral Presentation), Graz, Austria, 2002.

C16 - Szopa C., Cabane M., Coscia D., Coll P., Eugenie, J., Brun J.F., Israel G.,
Pulsed discharge helium ionisation detector : a new sensitive detector for space gas chromatography ?,
E.G.S. 28th General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2003.

C17 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Pasti L., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Decoding of complex isothermal chromatograms recovered from space missions : identification of molecular structure,
E.G.S. 28th General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2003.

C18 - Szopa C., Cernogora G., Boufendi L., Correia J.J., Coll P.,
PAMPRE : a new laboratory experiment to better understand the physico-chemical processes of Titan aerosols formation and growth,
E.G.S. 28th General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2003.

C19 - Buch A., Sternberg R., Meunier D., Szopa C., Cabane M., Raulin F., Mahaffy P.,
In situ Analysis of Carboxylic and Amino Acids on Mars by Solvent-extraction and Chemical Derivatization Coupled to Gas Chromatography,
D.P.S. Meeting (Poster)
, Monterey, USA, 2003.

C20 - Mahaffy P.R., Atreya S.K., Brinckerhoff W.B., Cabane M., Coll P., Demick J., Harpold D.N., Ming D., Niemann H., Owen T., Raullin F., Scott F., Webster C.,
In Situ Analysis of Organics and Isotopes at Mars,

D.P.S. Meeting (Poster), Monterey, USA, 2003.

C21 - Mahaffy P.R., Brinckerhoff W., Cabane M., Webster C., Niemann H., Kasprzak W., Harpold D., Atreya S., Owen T., Nealson K., Jakosky B., McKay C.P., Huntress W., Scott J., Ming D., Pepin R., Yung Y., Coll P., Raulin F., Person A., Szopa C., Israël G.,
Follow the water, find the carbon, and nail the isotopes: A measurement strategy for Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM),
Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group meeting (Poster), Pasadena, USA, 2003

C22 - Buch A., Sp
zoa C., Sternberg R., Meunier D., Cabane M., Raulin F., Coll P., Rodier C., Navarro-Gonzales R., Mahaffy P.,
In situ
analysis of carboxylic and amino acids on Mars by gas chromatography,
3rd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology
, Madrid, Espagne, 2003.

C23 - Navarro-González R., Szopa C., Coll P., Cabane M., Person A., McKay C.P., Raulin F., Israël G.,
Thermal properties of biogenic and non biogenic carbonates. Implications for the search of life on Mars,
3rd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology (Poster)
, Madrid, Espagne, 2003.

C24 - Cabane M., Coll P., Mahaffy P., Buch A., Szopa C., Brinckerhoff W., Israël G., Navarro-González R, Niemann H., Person A, Raulin F., Rodier C., Sternberg R.,
Sample Analysis at Mars : the SAM experiment,
3rd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology (Présentation orale)
, Madrid, Espagne, 2003.

C25 - Pietrogrande M.C., Tellini I., Pasti L., Dondi F., Szopa C.,  Sternberg R., Vidal-Madjar C.,
Decoding of complex isothermal chromatograms recovered from space missions : identification of molecular structure,

3rd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology
, Madrid, Espagne, 2003.

C26 - Szopa C., Cernogora G., Boufendi L., Correia J.J., Coll P., Mousset R., Ausset P.,
Production and study of Titan's analogues of aerosols by Radio Frequency low pressure plasma,
E.G.U. 1st General Assembly (Oral)
, Nice, France, 2004.

C27 - Szopa C., Cabane M., Coll P., Mahaffy P., Buch A., Glavin D., Brinckerhoff W., Israël G., Navarro-Gonzalez R., Niemann H., Person A., Raulin F., Rodier C., Sternberg R.,
The Sample Analysis at Mars experiment (SAM) and the search for prebiotic and biological activity at the Martian surface,
E.G.U. 1st General Assembly (Pos
ter), Nice, France, 2004.

C28 - Buch A., Glavin D., Szopa C., Meunier D., Coscia D., Navarro-Gonzalez R., Raulin F., Cabane M., Mahaffy P.,
New technique for in situ analysis of organic compounds on Mars,

E.G.U. 1st General Assembly (Oral)
, Nice, France, 2004.

C29 - Pietrogrande M.C., Zampolli M.G., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R., Buch A., Raulin F.,
In situ analysis of the Martian soil : study of chromatograms of organic molecules of eobiological interest,
E.G.U. 1st General Assembly (Oral), Nice, France, 2004.

C30 - Pietrogrande M.C., Zampolli M.G., Dondi F., Szopa C., Sternberg R.,
Gas chromatography in solar system exploration : decoding complex chromatograms recovered from space missions,
E.G.U. 1st General Assembly (Poster), Nice, France, 2004.

C31 - Buch A., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Meunier D., Cabane M., Glavin D., Mahaffy P., Navarro-Gonzalez R.,
Solvent extraction and chemical derivatization of organic molecules of exobiological interest for in situ analysis of the martian soil
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Oral)
, Paris, France, 2004.

C.32 - Szopa C., Cernogora G., Boufendi L., Correia J.J., Coll P., Ausset P.,
Study of Titan's aerosols analogues produced by radiofrequency discharge
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Poster), Paris, France, 2004.

C33 - R. Sternberg, Szopa C., Coscia D., Raulin F., Vidal-Madjar C., Niemann H.,
Capillary and micropacked columns for in situ analysis of Titan's atmospheric composition

35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Poster), Paris, France, 2004.

C34 - Rodier C., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Buch A.,
Cabane M., Raulin F.,
Search for organics in interstellar environments by in situ gas chromatography analysis,
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Oral), Paris, France, 2004.

C35 - Coll P.,
Cabane M., Mahaffy P., Brinckerhoff W., Atreya S.K., Cornish T.J., Harpold D.N., Raulin F., Israel G., Niemann H., Owen T., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Buch A.,
Sample Analysis at Mars,
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Poster), Paris, France, 2004.

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cyril.szopa@aerov.jussieu.fr                                               Dernière mise à jour : 28/07/2004